Watching parents age can provoke all kinds of new questions. Can they care for themselves without help? How will I know? What kind of help is best? And of course, how can I talk to them about it? Here are some key indicators to help you sort out what kind of support your aging parents may need.
Weight Loss
Are your loved ones eating? While missing meals can be a sign of depression or dementia, the most common reason behind it is that shopping for and preparing meals has become too much for them to handle. Getting some assistance with meals could be a huge relief.
Poor Hygiene
Is your loved one looking less put-together? Are they wearing dirty clothes or skipping baths? Sometimes fear of falling in the tub or shower can cause them to neglect their personal hygiene, and it may be an indicator that personal care is needed.
Home Cleanliness
When you visit your loved one, in what kind of state do you find their home? Are there piles of clutter and dirty dishes? If your formerly fastidious loved one is now living differently, it’s a sign that their abilities and needs are changing.
Is your loved one often and easily confused? Have they overdrawn a bank account or missed a bill payment? Do you often need to redirect them? Noticeable cognitive decline can relate to problems with medication management or several other factors that professional caregivers can help to address.
Ebenezer Cares
If you find yourself in need of help caring for an aging loved one, Ebenezer can provide support and resources, including care management and coordination, care partner support groups, care assessments, our Caregiver Assurance program, adult day programs, and overall support and guidance with navigating senior care options.
Want to get the conversation started? Contact us today and get a free copy of Ebenezer’s Navigating Senior Care Options and Resources as well as a checklist of what to look for when caring for aging loved ones. Make sure to check out our Ebenezer blog for extra tips and resources.